Where’s the Jazz?

Where can you find live jazz in the Baltimore area? We keep you up to date with the most current info available on who is presenting jazz, and where. If you know a venue that should be on this list, let us know!

8 thoughts on “Where’s the Jazz?

  • Mondo pizza and Bar
    35 Main St Riesterstown

    The Melting Pot Big Band
    One appearance a month

    • Great! Make sure those dates get on our jazz calendar so everyone will know!

        • Hi there! Times vary, unfortunately, depending on volunteer availablity, but we try to get to them as quickly as possible. Just approved yours 🙂

  • looking for Jazz events in October 2023

  • Martin Haft

    My girlfriend and I are looking for a jazz club/restaurant. Very old school! Dressy with jazz music and dancing. I see several places on your page but have never been in any of them. Can you suggest a few that fit this bill. We live in Baltimore county and will go anywhere in the Baltimore and/or surrounding area.

    Thank you

    • Hi Martin, hard to say, and to be honest, nothing springs right to mind regarding dancing. But Keystone Korner, Elk Room, and 18th & 21st all seem like good bets, among others! We recommend you try a few out and see what you like! And feel free to come back and let us know to help future seekers.


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