a service of the Baltimore Jazz Alliance
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This calendar is a community-powered public service of the Baltimore Jazz Alliance. For information and to submit events, visit events.baltimorejazz.com
Keystone Korner Baltimore proudly presents SUN RA ARKESTRA directed by Marshall Allen. Celebrating Marshall’s 100th birthday!
The Sun Ra Arkestra are known for their live shows that combine big band swing, outer-space jazz, dancing, singing, chanting and Afro-pagentry.
“Besides,” Sun Ra once said, “that’s the way black people say ‘orchestra.'”
The Arkestra continue to tour the world and have performed in more than 25 countries including shows at the pyramids in Egypt and in the USSR, Carnegie Hall, the Berlin Jazz Festival, the Fillmore East, the Hollywood Bowl, Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel, the Newport Jazz Festival, Fuji Rock Festival, and the Kennedy Center.
During World War 11 Marshall Allen enlisted in the US Army 92nd Division Infantry and performed in the Army band. Marshall joined the Sun Ra Arkestra in 1955 and has been their leader since 1995. He was awarded a PEW Fellowship in 2012. Marshall continues to compose and record with the Arkestra. He tours with them when in driving distance of his home in Philadelphia and he greatly looks forward to the shows. An inner ear issue restricts his flying at this time.
In Marshalls own words: “My work is an extension of Sun Ra’s mission to provide for the spiritual healing of the planet earth.”
Keystone Kards are not applicable for this show.
::club date/restaurant, Keystone Korner Baltimore::In-person
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