a service of the Baltimore Jazz Alliance
Welcome to the BJA calendar! We hope you like it, but please feel free to contact us (webmaster@baltimorejazz.com) with any issues you experience.
This calendar is a community-powered public service of the Baltimore Jazz Alliance. For information and to submit events, visit events.baltimorejazz.com
Come go on a journey with us down a blossomed covered lane. Keith Snipes and Company will tell the stories of love told long ago, by the greats who clothed their voices in words, like only the poet or the singer can do. Come reminisce on the beautiful, the sweet and sometimes, not so sweet stages of love!
Keith Snipes [vocals]
Obasi Akoto [bass]
Sean Jones [trumpet]
Eric Kennedy [drums]
Greg Murphy [piano]
Actor, narrator, poet, lyricist and vocalist, Keith Snipes is a native of Baltimore, Maryland, with a passion for the arts. Known for his distinctive baritone voice, he has performed classic and contemporary works such as, Aaron Copeland’s “Lincoln Portrait” and Henry William Curry’s “Eulogy For A Dream.” Keith can also be heard as the narrator of “New Visions New Voices, Moments of the Movement,” a joint audio project of the Library of Congress and the National Museum of African American History and Culture, featuring first person accounts from participants in the Civil Rights Movement.
::concert, Keystone Korner Baltimore::In-person, Live-streamed
For questions about the calendar or to report incorrect or inappropriate content, please contact calendar@baltimorejazz.com.