a service of the Baltimore Jazz Alliance
Welcome to the BJA calendar! We hope you like it, but please feel free to contact us (webmaster@baltimorejazz.com) with any issues you experience.
This calendar is a community-powered public service of the Baltimore Jazz Alliance. For information and to submit events, visit events.baltimorejazz.com
Every Thursday, 8 pm to 10:30pm, straight-ahead jazz. Hosted by Lionel Lyles II. 1101 Fillmore St., Baltimore, 21218. (443) 281-3288, orionatfillmore@gmail.com. Free before 8 pm. $10 cover 9 pm (2-item minimum) Light fare buffet – $5.00 Drinks are $10 or less.
::jam session, Orion at Fillmore::
For questions about the calendar or to report incorrect or inappropriate content, please contact calendar@baltimorejazz.com.