
AnnouncementsGeneral News


Let Your Voice Be Heard – Participate in the Baltimore Music Census The Baltimore Music Census will launch on March 4, 2024 and will last for six weeks [it’s now launched!]. What is the Baltimore Music Census, you ask? It is a community-led, voluntary survey that will gather the data needed to better understand the current needs of the Baltimore-area music community. | Read more>> Read More
AnnouncementsGeneral News

Let Your Voice Be Heard – Participate in the Baltimore Music Census

The Baltimore Music Census will launch in January 2024. What is a Music Census, you ask? It is a community-led, voluntary survey that will gather the data needed to better understand the current needs of the Baltimore-area music community. The Census will capture key information about the local music economy that will help musicians, local businesses, and non-profits make better informed, data-driven decisions about how best to support and grow the city’s music ecosystem. | Read more>> Read More
AnnouncementsBJA NewsEvents

Return of the Billie Holiday Vocal Competition

In past years, Baltimore hosted a renowned Billie Holiday Vocal Competition. While it was not one of our creations, BJA missed it so much we just had to bring it back. Vocalists, we want you to join Clarence Ward, III and his Session band (house band at The Session, Baltimore’s most storied weekly jam session) on the Soul Stage at AFRAM, home to this year’s Baltimore Jazz Fest, to have fun, show your talent, and compete for cash prizes! | Read more>> Read More