Author: Steve Everette

Venue Review

Keystone Korner, a Pillar of the Baltimore Jazz Community

In Baltimore City, Keystone Korner is operated by NEA Master Todd Barken, chef Robert Wiedmaier and their dedicated team. The venue provides an atmosphere that satisfies night lifer’s searching for fine quality of food and entertainment. Mr. Barken is dedicated to promoting jazz in Baltimore by spotlighting internationally known entertainers as well as the scores of local talents.  | Read more>> Read More

Kudos to Barbara Grubbs, Supporter of the Arts

[Photo by Efrain Ribeiro] On July 1st, 2023, the weather was overcast and threatening thunderstorms. Nonetheless, Todd Marcus was able to gather more than two hundred people to the Harris-Marcus Center in the Black Arts District, 1947 Pennsylvania Ave, Baltimore. The Baltimore Jazz Alliance was one of the sponsors of the event. | Read more>> Read More