
The Jazz Will Return

Dear Maryland jazz lovers,

As you’ve probably heard, Governor Hogan has ordered that all restaurants and bars in MD – along with many other businesses – must close starting this evening. Obviously that means nearly all, if not all, of the jazz events previously listed are now canceled. This is going to be a very hard time for musicians and venues in the area.

While we can’t change the facts of this pandemic, nor its effects on the jazz scene and the culture at large, we urge you to keep jazz in your hearts, and when all of this clears, and the music comes back out, come out with it! These venues will need your business; these artists will need your ears! BJA will continue to keep you informed of the jazz developments in the community, and we will hope to see you all out there soon.

Until then, we wish you all health and safety, and hope that these times are not too tough on you and those close to you.

With sincere and best wishes,

Ian Rashkin, president, Baltimore Jazz Alliance

2 thoughts on “The Jazz Will Return

  • Vernice Anderson

    Thank you. Be safe and Healthy. We can’t wait !

  • Liz Fixsen

    Some of the venues that have been hosting live jazz are still open for take-out orders. Show your appreciation and order some take-out from them! Check the BJA calendar to see the venues, and then call or check their websites to see if they are providing take-out service. Germano’s, Nori’s, Trinacria — these are a few that I know of.


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